
Hey, I’m juftin (Justin Flannery) 👋

I’m a software engineer and Python developer with a focus on data engineering and machine learning operations - based out of Denver, Colorado, USA.

My work with data has spanned from being on the front lines as an analyst and data scientist, building out data platforms, architecting machine learning recommendation systems, and working on scalable applications as a backend and platform engineer. Currently, I work as part of a software engineering team looking to make heart attacks a thing of the past using machine learning.

I’m very interested in machine learning operations (MLOps), big data engineering, distributed systems, large language models, and everything open source. Check out my GitHub profile to see my personal contributions to the open source community.

When I’m not coding you can find me camping with my partner and our two dogs, catching a bluebird day skiing in Colorado, or soaking up the sun at a bluegrass concert.

Now is better than never.

Although never is often better than right now.

– The Zen of Python