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If you're using the dotfiles from this project, most of these tools can be installed automatically - see the dependencies section for more information on how to install them.


Install AWS CLI v2

curl "" -o ~/Downloads/AWSCLIV2.pkg && open ~/Downloads/AWSCLIV2.pkg



Install awsume and its helper, aws-sso-util

pipx install "awsume[console,fuzzy]"
pipx install aws-sso-util


awsume is a utility that helps you manage your AWS credentials and easily assume roles. Along with aws-sso-util, it can be used to manage AWS SSO credentials and roles.

You should read the awsume documentation to understand how to configure it, but here is a quick start:

  1. Configure your AWS credentials file with your default profile

    aws configure sso
  2. Set up your shell to work with awsume - the following command will add the necessary lines to your ~/.zshrc file:

    awsume-configure --shell zsh --alias-file ~/.zshrc
  3. Update your ~/.aws/config file with all roles - the aws-sso-util app will detect all available:

    aws-sso-util configure populate --region us-east-1
  4. By default, awsume has a role duration of 1 hour. This can be extended up to 12 hours (43,200 seconds), by specifying a longer role duration either via command line or as in the following example config:

    $ cat ~/.awsume/config.yaml
    colors: true
    fuzzy-match: true
    role-duration: 43200
  5. You should also create a default profile on your ~/.aws/config file that will be used automatically when you don't provide a profile name argument to the awsume CLI:

    [profile default]
    sso_start_url =
    sso_region = us-east-1
    sso_account_name = AWS Account Name
    sso_account_id = 1234567890123
    sso_role_name = RoleName
    region = us-east-1
    credential_process = aws-sso-util credential-process --profile default
    sso_auto_populated = true