fastapp.models package


fastapp.models.base module

Base Pydantic Object for Containers

pydantic model fastapp.models.base.FastAppModel[source]

Bases: BaseModel

FastApp Pydantic BaseModel

pydantic model fastapp.models.base.HashableFastAppModel[source]

Bases: FastAppModel

Hashable FastAppModel

fastapp.models.bodies module

API Request Body Containers

pydantic model fastapp.models.bodies.GensimRequest[source]

Bases: FastAppModel

Data body for requests to the /most_similar endpoint

field negative: List[str] = []
field positive: List[str] = []
field topn: int = 10
pydantic model fastapp.models.bodies.RequestBody[source]

Bases: FastAppModel

Data body for the generic /request endpoint

field another_example: str [Required]
field example: int [Required]
pydantic model fastapp.models.bodies.SentimentRequest[source]

Bases: FastAppModel

Request Format for the /sentiment endpoint

field text: Union[str, List[str]] [Required]

fastapp.models.responses module

API Response Objects

pydantic model fastapp.models.responses.PingResponse[source]

Bases: FastAppModel

Response returned for the /ping endpoint

field healthy: bool = True
field status: int [Required]
field timestamp: datetime [Required]
pydantic model fastapp.models.responses.SentimentResponse[source]

Bases: FastAppModel

Response returned from the /sentiment endpoint

field compound: float [Required]
field neg: float [Required]
field neu: float [Required]
field pos: float [Required]

Module contents

API Pydantic Models

pydantic model fastapp.models.FastAppModel[source]

Bases: BaseModel

FastApp Pydantic BaseModel