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Command Line Usage#

This project includes a Makefile that provides a variety of commands to manage your deployment.

homelab and homelab-compose

You will see the make command and homelab used interchangeably in this documentation. The homelab command is a convenience wrapper around make so you can easily run the Makefile from anywhere.

Add this to your .bashrc / .zshrc to use the homelab command:

alias homelab="make --no-print-directory --directory /path/to/this/repo"

If you'd like to use the docker compose command from anywhere, you can do so with the following alias:

alias homelab-compose="docker compose --project-directory /path/to/this/repo"

homelab help

Usage: homelab [target] (APP=service-name)

* pass APP=service-name to specify the service
* pass ARGS=arguments to specify additional arguments

Homelab 🐳
  update               Update the service(s) *
  pull                 Pull the latest image(s)*
  up                   Start the service(s)*
  down                 Stop the service(s)*
  stop                 Stop the service(s)*
  logs                 Show the logs*
  restart              Restart the service(s)*
  ps                   Show the status of the service(s)*
  config               Show the configuration of the service(s)*

Core Services 🧠
  core-up              Start just the core services (traefik, oauth2, etc).
  core-down            Stop just the core services (traefik, oauth2, etc).
  core-logs            Show the logs for the core services (traefik, oauth2, etc).

Media Services 📺
  media-up             Start just the media services (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc).
  media-down           Stop just the media services (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc).
  media-logs           Show the logs for the media services (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc).

Configuration 🪛
  config-acme          Initialize the acme.json file.

Backup 🗂️
  backup               Backup the homelab repo to the ${BACKUP_DIR}.
  backup-no-timestamp  Backup the homelab repo to the ${BACKUP_DIR} without a timestamp.

Development 🛠
  docs                 Build the documentation.
  lint                 Lint the code with pre-commit.

General 🌐
  version              Show the version of the project.
  help                 Show this help message and exit


The APP flag

Notice that some commands accept an APP flag. This flag is used to specify which docker compose service to run on. If not specified these commands default to all services.

homelab logs APP=sonarr
homelab logs

The ARGS flag

Some commands accept an ARGS flag to pass additional flags to docker compose. If not specified these arguments default to empty.

homelab up ARGS="--remove-orphans"

Homelab 🐳#


Update the homelab service(s) to the latest versions.

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab update
make update
docker compose --profile all pull
docker compose --profile all up -d
homelab-compose --profile all pull
homelab-compose --profile all up -d


Pull the latest images for the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab pull
make pull
docker compose --profile all pull
homelab-compose --profile all pull


Start the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab up
make up
docker compose --profile all up -d
homelab-compose --profile all up -d


Stop the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab down
make down
docker compose --profile all down
homelab-compose --profile all down


Stop the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab stop
make stop
docker compose --profile all stop
homelab-compose --profile all stop


Show the logs for the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab logs
make logs
docker compose --profile all logs -ft
homelab-compose --profile all logs -ft


Restart the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab restart
make restart
docker compose --profile all restart
homelab-compose --profile all restart


Show the status of the homelab service(s).

homelab ps
make ps
docker compose --profile all ps --format "table {{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Name}}"
homelab-compose --profile all ps --format "table {{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Name}}"


Show the configuration of the homelab service(s).

* Defaults to all, accepts the APP flag * Accepts the ARGS flag

homelab config
make config
docker compose --profile all config
homelab-compose --profile all config

Core Services 🧠#


Start just the core services (traefik, oauth2, etc).

homelab core-up
make core-up
docker compose --profile core up -d
homelab-compose --profile core up -d


Stop just the core services (traefik, oauth2, etc).

homelab core-down
make core-down
docker compose --profile core down
homelab-compose --profile core down


Show the logs for the core services (traefik, oauth2, etc).

homelab core-logs
make core-logs
docker compose --profile core logs -ft
homelab-compose --profile core logs -ft

Media Services 📺#


Start just the media services (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc).

homelab media-up
make media-up
docker compose --profile media up -d
homelab-compose --profile media up -d


Stop just the media services (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc).

homelab media-down
make media-down
docker compose --profile media down
homelab-compose --profile media down


Show the logs for the media services (plex, sonarr, radarr, etc).

homelab media-logs
make media-logs
docker compose --profile media logs -ft
homelab-compose --profile media logs -ft

Configuration 🪛#


Initialize the acme.json file for traefik.

homelab config-acme
make config-acme
mkdir -p appdata/traefik/acme/ && \
rm -f appdata/traefik/acme/acme.json && \
touch appdata/traefik/acme/acme.json && \
chmod 600 appdata/traefik/acme/acme.json

Backup 🗂️#


Backup the appdata directory with a timestamp (appdata_YYYYMMDDHHMM.tar.gz).

* You must provide the BACKUP_DIR variable

See the backup script documentation

homelab backup BACKUP_DIR=/backup/dir
make backup BACKUP_DIR=/backup/dir
bash ./scripts/ appdata /backup/dir


Backup the appdata directory without a timestamp. This overwrites the previous backup (appdata.tar.gz)

* You must provide the BACKUP_DIR variable

See the backup script documentation

homelab backup-no-timestamp BACKUP_DIR=/backup/dir
make backup-no-timestamp BACKUP_DIR=/backup/dir
bash ./scripts/ appdata /backup/dir --no-timestamp

Development 🛠#


Build the documentation.

homelab docs
make docs
hatch run docs:serve --livereload --dev-addr localhost:8000


Lint the code with pre-commit.

homelab lint
make lint
pre-commit run --all-files

General 🌐#


Show the version of the project.

homelab version
make version
git fetch --unshallow 2>/dev/null || true
git fetch --tags 2>/dev/null || true
echo "homelab $$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)"


Show this help message and exit.

homelab help
make help