hatch's missing lockfile capability

I’m a huge fan of using hatch to manage my Python projects. It lets me define my projects with a single pyproject.toml file and define all of my extra environments and scripts in the same place (i.e testing / linting / docs). One big thing it’s missing though is an integration with lockfiles. The tool’s author, @ofek, has been very clear this feature will eventually be added to hatch, but in the meantime I’ve created a plugin that adds this functionality today: hatch-pip-compile....

January 9, 2024 · 5 min · 1005 words

Chat with LLMs from the command line

llm-term Chat with LLM models directly from the command line. Screen Recording Your browser does not support the video tag. Installation pipx install llm-term Usage Then, you can chat with the model directly from the command line: llm-term llm-term works with multiple LLM providers, but by default it uses OpenAI. Most providers require extra packages to be installed, so make sure you read the Providers section below. To use a different provider, you can set the --provider / -p flag:...

September 26, 2023 · 2 min · 392 words

API starterpack with zoo

zoo The zoo project 🦁🐼🐨, an asynchronous zoo API powered by FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2.0, Pydantic v2, and Alembic. zoo is a simple yet robust API example that allows you to manage a zoo. It utilizes modern tools and practices, including a production-ready server (Uvicorn), modern SQL ORM (SQLAlchemy 2.0), data validation (Pydantic v2), and database migrations (Alembic). This project serves as an excellent starting point for building your own API, outlining the basic structure of an API project and providing examples of implementing common features....

August 23, 2023 · 1 min · 138 words

a friendly file browser for your terminal

browsr browsr 🗂️ is a pleasant file explorer in your terminal. It’s a command line TUI (text-based user interface) application that empowers you to browse the contents of local and remote filesystems with your keyboard or mouse. You can quickly navigate through directories and peek at files whether they’re hosted locally, in GitHub, over SSH, in AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage. View code files with syntax highlighting, format JSON files, render images, convert data files to navigable datatables, and more....

May 3, 2023 · 2 min · 237 words

My Personal Cookiecutter Template

cookiecutter-python Creating a new Python project can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to setting up all the necessary development and deployment tools. This is where my Cookiecutter Python template comes into play. This template simplifies the process of setting up a new Python project, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than wrestling with configuration. What is Cookiecutter? Cookiecutter is a command-line utility that creates projects from project templates....

August 17, 2022 · 3 min · 432 words