


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- permit_entrance_id | str | Permit Entrance ID | facility_id | str | Facility ID the permit belongs to | permit_entrance_name | str | Permit Entrance name | permit_entrance_description | str | Permit Entrance description | district | str | District the permit resides in | town | str | Town the permit resides in | permit_entrance_accessible | bool | Is the permit accessible by vehicle | longitude | float | Latitude of the permit location | latitude | float | Longitude of the permit location | geosjon | FacilityGEOJSON | | [optional] created_date | date | Record creation date | last_updated_date | date | Record last update date | attributes | list[Attribute] | Attributes related to the permit | entitymedia | list[Media] | Array of Media for the Permit Entrance | zones | list[Zone] | Additional Zone information related to the permit |

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