


Name | Type | Description | Notes ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- rec_area_address_id | str | RecArea Address ID | rec_area_id | str | RecArea ID | rec_area_address_type | str | Address type for the RecArea | rec_area_street_address1 | str | Address line 1 of the RecArea | rec_area_street_address2 | str | Address line 2 of the RecArea | rec_area_street_address3 | str | Address line 3 of the RecArea | city | str | City where the RecArea is located | postal_code | str | Postal code for the RecArea | address_state_code | str | State code for the RecArea | address_country_code | str | Abbreviated country code for the RecArea | last_updated_date | date | Record last update date |

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