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Pydantic model for YAML files

StrEnum #

Bases: str, Enum

String Enum

Source code in camply/containers/
class StrEnum(str, Enum):
    String Enum

YamlSearchFile #

Bases: CamplyModel

Campsite Search Data Model

Source code in camply/containers/
class YamlSearchFile(CamplyModel):
    Campsite Search Data Model

    provider: ProviderEnum = Field(
        description="Campsite provider", default="RecreationDotGov"
    recreation_area: ArrayOrSingle = None
    campgrounds: ArrayOrSingle = None
    campsites: ArrayOrSingle = None
    start_date: Union[, List[]]
    end_date: Union[, List[]]
    days: Optional[List[str]] = None
    weekends: bool = False
    nights: int = 1
    continuous: bool = True
    polling_interval: int = SearchConfig.RECOMMENDED_POLLING_INTERVAL
    notifications: ArrayOrSingleStr = "silent"
    search_forever: bool = False
    search_once: bool = False
    notify_first_try: bool = False
    equipment: ArrayOrSingleEquipment = None
    offline_search: bool = False
    offline_search_path: Optional[str] = None

    @validator("provider", pre=True)
    def validate_provider(cls, value):
        Validate provider
        lowercase_enum_dict = {
            key.lower(): key for key in ProviderEnum.__members__.keys()
        if value.lower() in lowercase_enum_dict.keys():
            return lowercase_enum_dict[value.lower()]
            return value

    @validator("equipment", pre=True)
    def validate_equipment(cls, value) -> ArrayOrSingleEquipment:
        Validate equipment
        equipment_tuple_length = 2
        if (
            isinstance(value, list)
            and len(value) == equipment_tuple_length
            and isinstance(value[0], str)
            return [tuple(value)]
            return value

validate_equipment(value) #

Validate equipment

Source code in camply/containers/
@validator("equipment", pre=True)
def validate_equipment(cls, value) -> ArrayOrSingleEquipment:
    Validate equipment
    equipment_tuple_length = 2
    if (
        isinstance(value, list)
        and len(value) == equipment_tuple_length
        and isinstance(value[0], str)
        return [tuple(value)]
        return value

validate_provider(value) #

Validate provider

Source code in camply/containers/
@validator("provider", pre=True)
def validate_provider(cls, value):
    Validate provider
    lowercase_enum_dict = {
        key.lower(): key for key in ProviderEnum.__members__.keys()
    if value.lower() in lowercase_enum_dict.keys():
        return lowercase_enum_dict[value.lower()]
        return value